All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 9 of 9 in total

#9: How William Brown Made $16.4M: Insider Secrets of a Millionaire Entrepreneur

Episode 9 — In this episode William Brown (@william_mbrown) shares insider secrets and business advice from building a $16.4M e-learning & online education company to ...

#8: Overcoming Self-Doubt & Finding Success: A Journey in Entrepreneurship

Episode 8 - Davide Bonami guests on The Deeply Aligned podcast, sharing his inspiring journey from nearly getting fired as a conference producer to launching successfu...

#7: From Zero to $30K: Unlocking Success and Freedom at 22 w/ Janardhan Jolivet

Episode 7 – Janardhan Jolivet (@janardhanjolivet) joins Chris Appelgren (@christofferappelgren) on The Deeply Aligned podcast, diving into the journey of building a li...

#6: Unlocking Your Soul’s True Purpose: The Power of Ownership and Alignment ft. Ianja Oehr

Episode 6 — Ianja Oehr (@thesoulCEO) joins Chris Appelgren (@christofferappelgren) on The Deeply Aligned podcast, sharing her insights on the importance of finding dee...

#5: The Unseen Journey: Why True Connection Changes Everything – Healing Through Somatics and Breathwork ft. Anne Marie Kramer

Episode 5 – Anne Marie Kramer (@amkzing) joins Deeply Aligned to share her powerful journey of resilience and transformation. At just 13, she bravely called Child Prot...

#4: From Festivals to Crypto – How an LSD Trip Changed His Life ft. Kevin Gansemans

Episode 4 - Join us as Kevin (@kevin.onthemove) talks about his fascinating background, his struggles with burnout, and the pivotal moments that led him to discover me...

#3: World Traveler & Entrepreneur Luke Shares Secrets on Finding Your True Path

Episode 3 - In this episode, we have an engaging conversation with Luke, a world traveler with a wealth of life experiences. From attending Kung Fu school in China to ...

#2: Handstand Mastery: Overcoming Limits to Follow Your Passion – UlrikOnHands

Episode 2 - We sit down with a world-class hand balancer, Ulrik (@ulrikonhands) who shares his captivating story of transformation from an ambitious marathon runner to...

#1: Listen To Your Body & Intuition – "Worst Case Scenario: At Least I Tried" – Melanie MoveAllWays

Episode 1 – In our debut episode, we sit down with Melanie (@ladybase) a dedicated coach of holistic movement & nervous system regulation. Melanie shares her inspiring...

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